Thursday, July 16, 2020

Feedback to Public Consultation: Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services and for Residential Services

With reference to the public consultation process for Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services and for Residential Services, I submitted the following to Government:


Attn Ministry for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity
(Social Care Standards Authority)

Re:  Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services -

Re:  Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Residential Services -

I am hereby recommending that your commendable consultation exercise comprises a social impact assessment process. This could produce valuable evidence for policy formation and implementation. 

Various methods, both quantitative and qualitative could be used within social impact assessments. The former refers to generalisable data especially through numbers, while the latter produce in-depth data on matters.

Research methods in SIAs may therefore include, for example, quantitative perception surveys and qualitative methods  which involve a deeper look into social realities. Besides, elite interviews may verify the advice, concerns and interpretations of persons who are experts or who have experience in the respective field under analysis.

Methods may also involve the analysis of discourse on the subject in question, for example by looking at what is being pronounced in the public sphere, whether by the public, civil society, political actors, the media and the like.

SIAs should involve the participation of different stakeholders, ideally through mixed research methods.

Analytic indicators should be provided and the entire process should be subject to peer review by independent experts in the field. 

This means that if a study is being carried out by a team of social scientists, this should be scrutinised by other independent social scientists. This could help identify shortcomings and possible improvements to the same SIA.

Social impact assessments should not be one-off exercises: To the contrary, they should be ongoing processes which engage with various stakeholders and which report back so as to ensure effective policy processes. They should also use complementary research methods so as to ensure reliable and valid data.

Recommendations and mitigation measures could therefore be in place, and these would be based on social-scientific evidence.


Dr Michael Briguglio