Sunday, January 26, 2025

#Ħsibijiet 116 Apokalissi u serħan tal-moħħ

Ma naħsibx li diskors li qegħdin f'xifer l-apokalissi huwa wieħed li jirrelataw miegħu ħafna Maltin. Nemmen iktar f'diskors li bih wieħed ikun jista jirrelata ma' iktar serħan tal-moħħ, stabbilita', u li jista jilħaq l-aspirazzjonijiet tiegħu.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

#Ħsibijiet 115- Factchecking in Malta's Mediasphere

It is very unfortunate that Facebook will be ditching fact-checking, thus doing an Elon Musk. X has increasingly become a swamp of poorly verifiable noise and I had to leave the platform after 14 years. 

I think that in this brave new mediasphere, readers have the opportunity and responsibility to to use media platforms which are more likely to give reliable information. In this regard, the Times of Malta has a commendable, fair, measured and objective fact-checking service, and I encourage other Maltese media houses to follow suit.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Deliberating third political parties in Malta

I would like to recommend some recent reads on third parties in Malta, published in The Times of Malta (2), Lovin Malta, and The Maltese Herald:

Hermann Schiavone highlights the trade-off between stable governments and parliamentary pluralism, offering a possible way forward.

Lou Bondi argues that there is no guarantee that having three parties in parliament is better than having two. He also emphasizes the difference between activism and governance, even on "boring", yet important matters.

Sandra Gauci takes a realpolitik approach, stating that as things stand, small parties are more likely to succeed in local councils—something also I had written about. Evidence supports Gauci’s argument, and ADPD currently has two elected local councillors.

Mark Camilleri provides a concrete example of how a third party was recently elected to Parliament. I had given similar advice to Alternattiva Demokratika during the same elections. However, the outcome of this coalition in opposition is another (important) matter altogether.

Such deliberations, grounded in concrete evidence, are welcome.

I have also recently penned some reflections on small political parties in Malta.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Open Access Publication on Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States

With reference to the Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States  (Routledge, 2023) edited by  Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree and Claire Slatter, the following chapter is now available in Open Access Format:

Introduction - Civil society and social movements in small states, by Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree and Claire Slatter. 

The chapter may be downloaded from here

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Small political parties in Malta: Some reflections

During these past days, I articulated some reflections and questions related to the development of two new political parties in Malta. 

Together with Harry Vassallo, I was interviewed by Daniel Attard (Times of Malta) about whether a third party can penetrate Malta’s two-party dominance. The article was published today on the online version of Times of Malta, and it appeared on the print version last Wednesday 1 January. You can read the interview here.

I also penned down some questions on this blog, which were subsequently taken up by Tim Diacono (Lovin' Malta), and which were also engaged with by the Partit Malta Progressiva. You can read the respective news articles here and here

Monday, December 30, 2024

#Ħsibijiet (114) ADPD, Progressivi, Cassola

Issa hemm 3 partiti żgħar li b'xi mod jew ieħor jiġu minn xulxin politikament: l-ADPD, il-Progressivi, u l-Partit ta' Cassola. Skont it-Times of Malta dan ta' l-aħħar ser ikun jismu Momentum (l-istess isem tal-fazzjoni xellugija li appoġġat lil Corbyn fil-Partit Laburista Ingliż meta kien fl-Oppożizzjoni xi snin ilu). 

Meta kont chairperson ta' l-AD bejn l-2009 u l-2013, kemm Arnold Cassola u anke Silvan Agius tal-Progressivi kienu parti mit-tmexxija tal-partit flimkien ma oħrajn li għadhom hemm bħal Carmel Cacopardo, Ralph Cassar, u Mario Mallia. Cassar u Mallia ilhom attivi l-Alternattiva mill-bidu nett, jiġifieri mill-1989, u Cassar reġa ġie elett fil-Kunsill ta' Ħ'Attard din is-sena. 

M'għandix dubju li hemm raġunijiet strateġiċi, ideologiċi u personali għal dan il-pluraliżmu ta' partiti żgħar. 

Filwaqt li nawgura lil dawk kollha li huma attivi f'dawn it-tliet proġetti, naħseb li hemm xi mistoqsijiet li jeħtieġu diskussjoni:

1. Jekk dawn il-politiċi s'issa mhux jaħdmu flimkien minn barra l-parlament, dan kif jawgura tajjeb għal stabilita' politika jekk xi ħadd minnhom jiġi elett? 

2. Jekk Arnold Cassola kien telaq mill-ADPD minħabba l-abort, lest jagħmel kompromessi bħal meta kien Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Greens Ewropej u membru parlamentari mal-lista tal-Greens, Ċentru Xellugin, Xellugin u Komunisti fl-Italja? Fiż-żewġ każijiet il-pożizzjoni Pro Choice dwar l-abort kienu ċentrali għall-Greens, avolja Cassola ma qabilx. Iżda ma kienx telaq. 

3. Il-preżenza ta' dawn il-partiti żgħar kif ser taffettwa l-voti rispettivi tal-PL u PN f'elezzjoni ġenerali? Jista' jkun li d-differenza fir-riżultat bejn partit u ieħor tiġi influwenzata mill-voti tal-partiti ż-żgħar, anke jekk ma jiksbux rappreżentanza parlamentari?

4. L-ADPD tifforma parti mill-Greens Ewropej. Ma min ser ikunu alleati l-Progressivi u l-Partit ta' Cassola? 

One To One - Season 3 - Updated Weekly

One To One covers social, political, environmental, and cultural topics, and guests are experts in their respective fields. 

One to One is hosted by Prof Michael Briguglio and is broadcast on Campus 103.7. The programmes are also available in on-demand format.

Topics and guests for Season 3 (January-March 2025)

1. Il-bilingwiżmu x'jgħidilna dwarna? Lydia Sciriha
2. Għandna wisq turisti f'Malta? Marie Avellino
3. Is-Soċjaliżmu spiċċa? Michael Grech
4. Kapital Soċjali - X'ikun? Maria C Borg
5. Għalfejn nagħżlu partit jew ieħor meta nivvutaw? Dominic Fenech
6. In-nisa jaqilgħu paga inqas mill-irġiel? Anna Borg

(This list is updated every week)

Topics and guests for Season 1 (July-September 2024) - Click here

Topics and guests for Season 2 (October - December 2024) - Click here

Friday, December 13, 2024

Discography - Michael Briguglio

Discography – Michael Briguglio (Drums)

Peklektru – Ejja Sibni (Single – 2023)

Norm Rejection – The Radical Underground (Album – 2014)

Dripht – Paċifista (EP – 2014)

Norm Rejection – Belligerent (EP – 2011)

NV – Envy (Album – 2009)

Norm Rejection – Double Album (Album – incorporating ‘Deconform’ and ‘0002’ – 2008)

Norm Rejection – Malta Not For Sale (EP – 2008)

Peklectrick – Reclaiming Space (Album – 2007)

Dripht – Global Warning (EP – 2005)

Dripht (EP – 2004)

Filletti & Friends (Album – 2001)

Norm Rejection – 0002 (Album – 2000)

Norm Rejection – Deconform (Album – 1998)

Norm Rejection – Subtly Mesmerized? (EP – 1994)

Monday, December 09, 2024

Publications/Scholarly Writings - Michael Briguglio

Briguglio, Michael (2024): Ekonomija, Soċjeta u Impatti Rispettivi. In L-Istat Tan-Nazzjon 2024, edited by Vince Marmara' and Lou Bondi. Malta: Klabb Kotba Maltin

Briguglio Marie & Briguglio, Michael (2024). Lino Briguglio – No Man Is An Island. Malta: Kite

Michael Briguglio (2024). Twenty years of Malta’s EU membership : the impact on Maltese environmental NGOs. 20 Years of EU Membership Paper Series, 3-16.

Michael Briguglio (2024) Turkish Politics and ‘the People’ – Mass Mobilisation and Populism, written by Spyros A. Sofos. Protest, 4(1), 103-106

Michael Briguglio interviewed by Timothy Alden (2023): Beyond Labels: Rethinking Identity Politics, Equity, and Democracy – . Think Magazine – July 2023

Briguglio, M., Cayli Messina, B., Gard, R., Gatto, A., Schermer, J.A., Shahzad, U., Webster, L. and Zhao, J. (2023), A new team and vision of the international social science journal. International Social Science Journal, 73: 255-259.

Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree, Claire Slatter (Eds.) (2023): Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States (Routledge – Taylor & Francis)

Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree, Claire Slatter (Eds.) (2023): Introduction: Civil society and social movements in small states – in Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree, Claire

Slatter (Eds.) (2023): Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States (Routledge – Taylor & Francis)

Michael Briguglio (2023): Environmental protest in Malta during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree, Claire Slatter (Eds.) (2023): Handbook of Civil Society

Briguglio, Michael (2022). Protests in a Small Island State during the Year of covid-19: The Case of Malta, Protest, 1(2), 299-328.

Briguglio, Michael & Brown, Maria (2022): Repoliticising Movements: The Case of Pro-LGBTIQ Rights in Malta in Herausgegeben von Meike Schmidt-Gleim, Ruzha Smilova & Claudia Wiesner (Eds): Democratic Crisis Revisited The Dialectics of Politicisation and Depoliticisation. Nomos

Brown, Maria & Briguglio Michael (eds.) 2022. Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe. (Routledge)

Briguglio, Michael & Brown, Maria (2022): Introducing Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe, in Brown, Maria & Briguglio Michael (eds.) 2022. Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe. (Routledge)

Briguglio, Michael & Brown, Maria (2022): Saving Migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, in Brown, Maria & Briguglio Michael (eds.) 2022. Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe. (Routledge)

Mayo, Peter, Brown, Maria & Briguglio, Michael (2022): An analysis of pertinent issues in education in Southern Europe in Brown, Maria & Briguglio Michael (eds.) 2022. Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe. (Routledge)

Agius, Karl & Briguglio, Michael (2021) Mitigating seasonality patterns in an archipelago: the role of ecotourism. Maritime Studies.

Briguglio, Michael (2020): The Daphne Protests at the end of 2019 – A Chronology. In: Social Conflict Year Book. Observatory of Social Conflict: Barcelona

 Briguglio Michael (2019).Checking Malta’s Powerful Prime Minster through Constitutional Reforms In: ConstitutionNet

Briguglio, Michael (2019): WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Discourse Analysis. In: Early Human Development. 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2019.03.014

Briguglio Michael and Caruana Christabelle (2018): Why do men join the men’s rights movement in Malta? Interface: a journal for and about social movements. Volume 10 (1-2): 279 – 296

Briguglio Michael and Brown Maria (2018): Civil society perspectives on green jobs in sustainable energy: The case of European Malta: Energy & Environment

Briguglio Michael (2018): Digital Activism, Physical Activism – Malta’s Front Harsien ODZ. In: Contention - The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest. Vol 6, 1: pp. 49-67.

Briguglio, Michael (2017): Panama Papers and Malta. In M. Hodun (Ed.): European Atlas of Democratic Deficit. (Poland: European Liberal Forum), pp.64-67.

Briguglio Michael (2017). Eddie r-Rikonciljatur. In Grech, S. (Ed.) L-Avukat Eddie Fenech Adami – Bejn Storja u Miti, pp.105-8. Malta: Horizons.

Briguglio Michael (2017). Reforming Malta’s constitution to enhance the independence of ‘fourth’ branch institutions. In: ConstitutionNet

Briguglio, Michael (2017): ENGO Impacts on Climate Change Policy in European Malta. Sociology and Anthropology 5(4): 269-278

Briguglio, Michael (2016): Environment, in Briguglio M. & Brown, M. (Editors) 2016: Sociology of the Maltese Islands, Malta: Miller, pp. 309-322

Briguglio, Michael (2016): Political Parties and Social Movements, in Briguglio M. & Brown, M. (Editors) 2016: Sociology of the Maltese Islands, Malta: Miller, pp. 309-322

Briguglio, M; Bugeja, I. and Vella, M.G. (2016): Social Policy, Poverty and Social Exclusion, in Briguglio, Michael (2016): Environment, in Briguglio M. & Brown, M. (Editors) 2016: Sociology of the Maltese Islands, Malta: Miller, pp. 309-322

Briguglio, M. (2016): Institutionalization: A one-way process? The case of Birdlife Malta. Bretterblog series: Movements and Institutions.

Briguglio, M. & Tedesco, C. (2016): Social Interaction of Cancer Survivors in Malta. A sociological analysis. Malta Medical Journal Vol 28(3), pp. 21-27

Briguglio M. & Brown, M. (Editors) 2016: Sociology of the Maltese Islands, Malta: Miller

Briguglio, M. (2016). The Zonqor Conflict in Malta, in M. Trinidad Bretones, C. Andrés Charry, J. Pastor, J. Quesada (Eds). ‘2015: Social Conflict Yearbook, pp. 210-219. Observatori del Conflicto Social: Universitat de Barcelona.

Briguglio, Michael (2015). ‘Ten Years of Malta’s EU Membership – The Impact on Maltese Environmental NGOs.’ Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 7, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Briguglio, Michael (2015). ‘Malta’s EU accession, environmental sustainability and ENGO activism’. In, Condie, J., & Cooper, A. M. (2015). Dialogues of Sustainable Urbanisation: Social Science Research and Transitions to Urban Contexts. Penrith, N.S.W.: University of Western Sydney.

Briguglio, Michael (2015), The Bird Hunting Referendum in Malta. Environmental Politics, Vol 24/5 (835- 839)

Briguglio, Michael (2014), Bird Hunting in European Malta: A Case of ENGO Empowerment?, in Liam Leonard, Sya Buryn Kedzior (ed.) Occupy the Earth: Global Environmental Movements (Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice, Volume 15) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.295 – 324

Kennet, Miriam; Amaral, Sofia; Tezza, Enrico; Briguglio, Michael; Gale de Oliveira, Michelle S.; (2014): The European Economy: Crisis an Recovery (Reading: The Green Economics Institute Publishing House).

Gale de Oliveira, Michelle S.; Kennet, Miriam; Amaral, Sofia; Tezza, Enrico; Briguglio, Michael; Salman, Doaa (2014): The Greening of the Mediterranean – Crisis and Recovery (Reading: The Green Economics Institute Publishing House).

Briguglio, Michael; Brown, Maria; Bugeja, Ian (2014): ENGO Activism in the EU: The G10, Climate Change and Social Policy. In: Tony Fitzpatrick (ed) International Handbook On Social Policy And The Environment, pp.176-204. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Briguglio, Michael (2013): The Politics of Bluefin Tuna in Malta. Roczniki Socjologii Morskiej. Annuals of Marine Sociology (2013), VOL. XXII. p51-61.

Briguglio, Michael and Pace, Roderick (2013): ‘Malta’ [The Labour Party], in The Palgrave Handbook of Social Democracy in the European Union (Eds: Jean-Michel de Waele, Fabien Escalona and Mathieu Vieira). Palgrave Macmillan.

Briguglio, Michael (2013): EU Accession and Civil Society Empowerment – The Case of Maltese ENGOs. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis: University of Malta.

Briguglio, Michael (2013): Climate Change and ENGOs in Malta and the EU, in Kennet, M, Blackett-Ord, R., Lewis, P., Gale de Oliveira, M.S. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Green Economics Institute, Green Economics Conference at Oxford University: Fixing Global Finance. Green Economics: The Economics of Survivability, Sustainability and Resilience, pp.98-101. Series Editor

Briguglio, Michael (2012): ‘Nature, Society and Social Change’, Societies Without Borders 7:4 (2012) 470- 477.

Briguglio, Michael (2012). ‘ENGOs, EU accession and empowerment: the case of land rationalisation in Malta’, International Journal of Green Economics, 6: 3, 279-297

Briguglio, Michael (2012), ‘The Enabling of Civil Society’, in Carmel Borg and Raphael Vella (eds), Shooting Society – Documenting Contemporary Life in Malta, pp.244-248 (Malta: Midsea Books).

Briguglio, Michael (2012). Land rationalization in Malta in an EU context, in Kennet, M, Göke, J. , Jociute, K. and Heinemann V. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Green Economics Institute, Green Economics Conference: Green Economy: Reform and Renaissance of economics and its methodology – Solutions for the 21st Century Green Economy: Rethinking Growth: RIO +20, pp.42-43. Series Editor Heinemann V. A Green Economics Institute Publication.

Briguglio Michael, Brown, Maria, and Aquilina Diana (2011). ‘A Civil Society Perspective of Sustainable Energy Policy and Green Jobs in Malta as a Small EU State’, in Saviour Rizzo (ed), Green Jobs from a Small Scale Perspective – Case Studies from Malta, pp.10-19 (Belgium: Green European Foundation).

Briguglio, Michael, and Bugeja, Ian (2011). ‘Exploring Malta’s Welfare Model’, Bank of Valletta Review, 43, 12-27.

Briguglio, Michael (2010). ‘Are ENGOs empowered through EU accession? The case of Maltese ENGOs’, International Journal of Green Economics, 4: 3, 262-274

Briguglio, Michael and Aquilina, Diana (2010). ‘The Social Impact of Liberalisation of Plastic Bottles in Malta’, International Journal of Green Economics, 4: 3, 275-291

Brown, Maria and Briguglio, Michael (2010). ‘Milani aktar minn erbghin sena wara: Edukazzjoni, zghazagh qeghda u nuqqas ta’ xoghol f’Malta’ (‘Milani, more than forty years later: Education, unemployed youth and lack of employment in Malta’), in Carmel Borg, (ed.), Lorenzo Milani – Bejn Ilbierah u Llum (Lorenzo Milani – Between Past and Present), pp. 447-470, Malta: Horizons Publications.

Briguglio, Michael (2010). ‘Malta’s Labour Party and the Politics of Hegemony’, Socialism and Democracy, 24: 2, 213 — 226

Briguglio, Michael (2010). ‘EU Accession and Civil Society Lobbying: The case of Maltese ENGOs’, in, Jociute, K. and Kennet, M. (2010), Proceedings of the Green Economics Institute Annual Green Economics Conference: Green Economics and Green Jobs. 29-31 July 2010 at Mansfield College, Oxford University, UK. Series Editor Heinemann V.A., pp.40-43. A Green Economics Institute Publication.

Briguglio, Michael (2009). ‘Politics, the State and Civil Society – A Theoretical Framework’, in Josann Cutajar and George Cassar, (eds), Social Transitions in Maltese Society, Malta: Agenda.

Briguglio, Michael and Brown, Maria, (2009). Global and European Institutional Perspectives of the Green Economy, and Civil Society NGOs perspective, in Kennet, Miriam and Baster, Naomi (2009), Proceedings: Preparing for Copenhagen COP15, Climate change and economics, the battleground of the growth/development paradox. Green Economics Conference 28 November 2009 at Oxford University Club, pp.52-66. A Green Economics Institute Publication.

Brown, Maria and Briguglio, Michael (2009). ‘Discouragement Amongst Ageing Workers in Malta within an EU Context’, Societies Without Borders, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.45-60.

Briguglio, Michael (2009): ‘Iż-Żerriegħa ta’ Soċjetà Aħjar’, in Adrian Grima, (ed.), Kieku l-ikel jitkellem, pp.131-133, Malta: Inizjamed.

Briguglio, Michael and Brown, Maria (2008). ‘Lobbying in Malta: Environmental NGOs and Social Capital’. Paper presented at the TSCF 2008 Malta Conference, Malta, September 19-22 2008.

Brown, Maria and Briguglio, Michael (2007): ‘The Unemployed Labour Force aged 40 years and over in Malta’. Paper presented at the Social Policy Association Postgraduate Workshop at the University of Oxford, December 12, 2007.

Briguglio, Michael (2003): ‘Global Dominance / Global Resistance’, in Carmel Vassallo and Clare Thake Vassallo, (eds), The Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx’s Legacy to Humanity, pp. 23-39, Malta: Malta University Press

Briguglio, Michael (2001): Ideological and Strategic Shifts from Old Labour to New Labour in Malta. Unpublished dissertation: University of Malta

Briguglio, Michael (1998): State/Power: Hiltonopoly. Unpublished dissertation: University of Malta.


Scholarly Publications list:

Michael Briguglio also writes regularly in the Maltese press