In yesterday's Malta Today, I was interviewed by Raphael Vassallo about Malta's current political situation.
Photo: James Bianchi / MediaToday |
Can these studies become another box to tick without meaningful consequences for communities elbowed out by major projects? James Debono speaks to course coordinator Michael Briguglio
In this interview with the Malta Independent on Sunday I discuss the political and social ramifications of current local council policy in Malta.
In today's Malta Independent I discuss current challenges related to Malta's cost of living and the upcoming national budget.
“Isabelle Bonnici wriet kemm hu importanti li ma teskludi lil ħadd, u bniet bħal network soċjali fuq skala nazzjonali ta’ nies li jappoġġjaw il-kawża” - Aqra iktar f'dan l-artiklu fil-gażżetta Illum:
Ritratt: Illum |