Saturday, June 30, 2018

X’qed jgħiduli n-nies: Michael Briguglio

Dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat kelli l-opportunita’ niltaqgħa ma’ ħafna nies li jixtiequ l-aħjar futur għall-Partit Nazzjonalista. Smajt bosta proposti, ilmenti, suġġerimenti u kummenti.

Din mhux l-ewwel darba li ltqajt ma’ nies li tinteressahom il-politika. F’dawn l-aħħar ħamsa u għoxrin sena li ili attiv fil-politika u fis-soċjeta’ ċivili iltqajt ma’ eluf ta’ nies u tgħallimt ħafna dwar realtajiet li jeżistu fis-soċjeta’ Maltija. Issa li ili membru tal-Partit Nazzjonalista minn ftit ġimgħat qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2017 qed inkompli nibni fuq dan il-wirt.

Nixtieq insemmi erba’ punti li laqtuni ferm f’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat, kemm għax qalulomli ħafna nies, kif ukoll għax nemmen fihom jien ukoll.

L-ewwel, l-għaqda. Jeħtieġ li nagħmlu ħilitina biex inkunu tim maqgħud għall-isfidi elettorali li għandna quddiemna. Il-partit għandu diversita’ ta’ fehmiet u perspettivi, għandu proċess demokratiku u għandu l-bibien miftuħin għal min ikun irid jikkontribwixxi f’modi differenti.  Ejja nirrispettaw u niċċelebraw din ir-rikezza.

It-tieni: Il-fenomenu Muscat. Bosta nies li ltqajt magħhom jafu sew kif jaħdem Joseph Muscat. Jafu li qabel l-aħħar elezzjonijiet kellu biss kalkolu wieħed: Il-voti, huma x’inhuma l-implikazzjonijiet fuq il-ġid komuni. Il-Partit Laburista għandu sistema ta’ netwerks u micro-targetting li permezz tagħha l-huwa preżenti kullimkien, u għalhekk jaf sew kif jista’ jwiegħed minn kollox lil dawk li jistgħu ituh vot. Iżda ħafna nies li kellimt esprimew preokkupazzjoni li jkollna nħallsu fil-futur għall-politika ta’ Muscat.

It-tielet: Li l-Partit Nazzjonalista ikun viċin in-nies. Bosta huma dawk li qed japprezzaw li l-partit qed jagħmel l-almu tiegħu biex iwettaq din il-missjoni. In-nies iridu li l-politiċi jisimgħu l-ilmenti, l-anzjetajiet, il-proposti u s-suġġerimenti tagħhom. Iridu li dak li hu tagħhom bi dritt jieħduh, u mhux jittalbu għalih. Iridu ukoll stil ta’ governanza li tibbilanċja l-ħtigijiet fit-tul tal-pajjiz mar-realtajiet tal-ġurnata.

Ir-raba’: In-normalita politika. Kulħadd jaf li l-pajjiż huwa mifni bil-korruzzjoni, iżda fl-istess ħin hemm għejja ġenerali fil-konfront ta’ politika ikarratteriżżata minn wisq konfrontazzjoni u stress. Ħafna nies iridu jgħixu ħajja normali u jridu s-serħan tal-moħħ.  Aħna l-politiċi  għandna nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex is-servizz li noffru verament ittejjeb il-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tan-nies, bil-fatti u mhux bil-paroli.

Fix-xhur li jmiss kemm ser inkompli niltaqa’ ma iktar nies u ser inkompli nwassal il-messaġġ tagħkom. L-istess ser jagħmlu kollegi oħra fil-Partit Nazzjonalista. B’rieda tajba naħdmu biex ikollna soċjeta’ li jimpurtaha.

 Dan l-artiklu deher fil-Mument, 1 ta' Lulju 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Filmat: Ibbulijar fuq l-internet - Michael Briguglio

F'dan il-vlog f'The Malta Independent nispjega x'inhuma trolls u nitkellem dwar l-ibbulijar fuq l-internet.

Tista' tara l-filmat minn dan il-link:

Future of Manoel Island - Michael Briguglio

Times of Malta, 25 June 2018

I have been following the Manoel Island development plan since the late 1990s, when the Midi original proposals were presented. Unlike its sister Tignè Point project, this development never took place. In the meantime, like many others, I hoped that the island would be transformed into some green public space amid the concentration of urban development in nearby Gżira, Sliema, Ta’ Xbiex and Msida.

Last year the Gżira local council and environmental NGOs mobilised people on the situation at Manoel Island and this led to a new draft master plan and the signing of a guardianship agreement with the local council and NGOs. If implemented, this would be step forward from previous plans as it declares the protection and public access to the area’s foreshore, green areas and heritage buildings.

In the meantime, Midi has proposed new development plans, which include 600 apartment blocks, a hotel at Lazaretto, a yacht marina, a helipad, public plazas and shops. According to the developers there will be 80,000 square metres of new parks and family areas, as well as an arts and culture centre at Fort Manoel comprising galleries, museums, shops and restaurants.

Let’s hope that these won’t be a replica of some other ‘cultural’ projects in Malta which simply provided more cathedrals of consumption.

The developers are also considering a novel method to reduce excavation material that goes to waste. They are proposing to reuse around 121,000 cubic metres on site, another 67,000 cubic metres in a land reclamation project, and to dispose of the remaining 100,000 cubic metres in the sea as per approval of the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA).

The latter will involve around 11 truckloads per hour for 40 weeks in an area which is already congested by traffic.
ERA and the developers’ consultants recently presented the findings of the project’s environment impact assessment to the public. The meeting, in which I participated, was very poorly attended, and I could count more ERA officials and developers’ consultants than members of the public, who amounted to around 15 persons.

The meeting was very civil, and it was generally agreed that despite shortcomings, the proposed development represents a step forward compared to previous plans. Still there are various concerns which should be addressed.

For example, the EIA estimates around 4,700 vehicle trips every day from the project by 2025, and these will be incorporated within a grand total of 39,000 vehicle trips on the strand and through Gżira. During the meeting those present heard that this will result in an increase in pollution of around seven per cent, which is ‘moderate’ according to EIA and international criteria.

To help make up for this the developers are proposing a green travel plan within Manoel Island, involving water transport, bicycles, electric buggies and the like. But the golden question here is: will this plan be binding, or is it just part of a wish list?

Another important issue concerns water flow and circulation in view of land reclamation projects in the area. ERA chairman Victor Axiak had once suggested a plan for the whole area to ensure that water circulation will not be impacted negatively.

In the meantime, we must take the word of the developer’s consultant that underbridge dredging will increase flow and circulation.

As regards the 600 apartments, it is important to note that they will be visible from the Gżira promenade. One hopes that their architectural design will be aesthetically valuable.

Unfortunately, this development project is exempt from a social impact assessment. I fail to see how such a significant project does not qualify for such a study: the latter could internalise stakeholders’ concerns and views on the proposed development, possibly resulting in a win-win situation through a more inclusive development process.

I also fail to understand why the Planning Authority does not investigate the cumulative impact of all development projects in the area through a sustainable approach. But this requires political will and a more forward-looking remit for the authority. This is not yet in place.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Ninvestu fil-persuna tul il-ħajja - Michael Briguglio

Paradoss ta’ żminijietna hu li qed ngħixu hajja itwal, iżda fl-isfera pubblika qisna ma nagħtux wisq importanza lilll-kwistjonijiet li jittrattaw l-anzjanita’. F’artikli preċedenti ktibt dwar sfidi relatati mal-pensjonijiet. Illum ser niffoka fuq politika soċjali ghal tul il-ħajja.

Importanti li nittrattaw l-eta’ bħala proċess li nesperjenzaw tul ħajjitna. Preżentament hemm it-tendenza li nassoċjaw l-anzjanita’ biss ma’ spiża pubblika akbar, ma’ kwistjonijiet ta’ saħħa, mad-dipendenza fuq persuni oħra u mat-tmiem tal-ħajja. Iżda f’soċjeta’ li qed issir iktar individwaliżżata huwa importanti ukoll li nqisu kull persuna skond il-merti tagħha: Per eżempju billi nivvaloriżżaw l-esperjenza, l-għerf, il-kontribuzzjoni u l-bżonnijiet speċifiċi ta’ kull persuna anzjana.

Sikwit niltaqa’ ma’ persuni anzjani li huma lesti jikkontribuwixxu lis-soċjeta per eżempju permess ta’ xogħol volontarju. Iżda s-soċjeta qiegħda tismagħhom? Kultant iva, iżda ġieli nissuspetta li bosta anzjani m’humiex rispettati biżżejjed.

Il-politika soċjali jista’ jkollha rwol ewlieni f’dan ir-rigward. Neħtiegu politika li ssaħħaħ lill-persuna tul il-ħajja, u mhux li tagħmlu dipendenti fuq labirinti burokratiċi u impersonali. Importanti li kull wieħed u waħda minna inkunu kapaċi niffaċċjaw l-opportunitajiet, sfidi u riskji fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.

Nemmen ukoll li minflok ma tiffoka biss fuq l-anzjanita’ bħala fatt statiku, il-politika soċjali għandha tiffoka fuq l-anjzanita’ bħala proċess li hi parti mill-proċess tal-ħajja. Il-bżonnijiet ta’ l-anzjani għandhom jingħataw priorita’, izda importanti ukoll li niżguraw li l-anzjani ta’ għada ikunu protagonisti fis-soċjeta’.

Il-politika tkun ibbażata fuq evidenza minn dixxiplini varji u li l-anzjanita’ tkun ikkunsidrata minn kull Ministeru fil-gvern. Tajjeb li l-politika tiffoka fuq sferi soċjali, ekonomiċi u ambjentali li jinkludu suġġetti bhall-ispazji miftuħa, l-ikel, il-housing, ix-xogħol, it-trasport, l-aċċessibilita’, il-kwalita’ ta’ l-arja, il-komunita’, is-saħħa u l-attivita fiżika.

Il-politika għandha tivvaloriżża l-anzjanita attiva u tinvesti fiha mis-snin ta’ qabel. Għandha tara li l-persuna kemm jista’ jkun jipprevjeni kundizzjonijiet kroniċi u inugwaljanzi u għandha tindirizza fażijiet differenti tul il-ħajja u l-ħtiġijiet ta’ persuni u gruppi żvantaġġjati.

Gvernijiet differenti f’Malta investew f’oqsma bħall-Universita’ tat-Tielet Eta’ u t-tagħlim tul il-ħajja. Iżda jeħtieġ li Malta tinvesti iktar f’dan il-qasam – per eżempju billi tiżgura li l-eżerċizzju fiżiku u l-isports jiġu meqjusa bħala bżonn għal kulhadd u mhux bħala lussu jew kapriċċ.

Importanti li persuni u gruppi żvantaġġjati ikollhom aċċess għall-attivitajiet ekstra-kurrikulari u daqstant importanti li nżidu l-kuxjenza dwar sfidi bħas-saħħa mentali, is-solitudni, il-konsum sostenibbli u l-ikel nutrienti. Jeħtieġ ukoll li l-mudell ta żvilupp ta’ Malta ma jibqax jisraqna minn spazji miftuħa, arja nadifa u ambjent b’saħħtu.

Bosta inizjattivi għal politika tul il-ħajja ma jiswewx flejjes kbar, iżda jeħtieġu bidla favur politika li tħares fit-tul. Tajjeb ukoll li l-politika tkun riċerkata, serja u flessibli, biex b’hekk iżżeweġġ il-viżjoni politika mal-konsultazzjoni pubblika.

Dan l-artiklu deher fil-Mument, 24 ta' Ġunju 2018. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ageing as a process - Michael Briguglio

A paradox of our times is that we are living in ageing societies, but the public sphere seems to give relatively less importance to issues concerning the elderly. In previous articles in this newspaper, I wrote about challenges related to today’s and tomorrow’s pensions: today I want to focus on the concept of ageing in relation to social policy.
Very often we relate ageing to old age rather than to a life course process. We associate old age with increased public expenditure, healthcare issues, dependency on other persons and end of life. Isn’t it strange that in a society which increasingly focuses on the individual, less importance is being given to the individual merits of every elderly person? These may include one’s experience, knowledge, wisdom, contribution to others and so forth.
I myself regularly meet so many elderly persons who are willing to contribute to society, for example through voluntary work. Is society listening to their voices? Sometimes it does, but I often get the feeling that elderly persons do not get the respect they deserve.
Social policy can play a major role for healthy ageing and for increased respect towards the elderly. We require more policies that work as a trampoline to empower people during their life course rather than disempowering and impersonal bureaucratic hurdles that act ‘after the event’. Social policy should constantly equip each individual for the opportunities and risks she or he encounters.
I also believe that rather than simply focusing on old age, ageing policy should be more forward looking and focus on ageing as a social process. The needs of elderly persons today should retain prime focus, but we should also ensure that the elderly persons tomorrow are protagonists in society.
In this regard, evidence-based policymaking would acknowledge that ageing is shaped by both biological and environmental factors. The former requires inclusive policymaking in areas such as healthcare.
The latter includes social, political and economic environments ranging from housing to open spaces, from employment to food, from transport to accessibility and from pollution to physical activity. Indeed, ageing should not only concern the Minister for the Elderly, but should be on the agenda of different ministries and disciplines.   
Policymakers should ensure that as people grow older, policies, cultures and individual actions value healthy ageing. This approach is sometimes referred to as active ageing, and its focus is based on people’s life course and on the prevention of chronic conditions and inequalities as one grows older. This approach can have specific policies for specific stages in people’s lives and actively address deprived groups. 
Different governments have adopted commendable policies in this regard: some examples that come to mind are the lifelong learning initiative, the University for the Third Age and policies which encourage healthy eating among students.
However, we need to keep in mind that Malta requires much more investment to promote active ageing. We need to ensure that physical exercise and sports are mainstreamed and not considered to be a luxury.
We need to ensure that deprived groups have access to extra-curricular educational activities, and we need to increase awareness on challenges such as mental health, loneliness, sustainable consumption and healthy eating. We also need to ensure that Malta’s development model does not keep robbing us of open spaces, clean air and a healthy environment.
Various active ageing initiatives do not cause a strain on the public purse. What is required is a change in political culture which values longer-term policies. We also need to move away from politics based on sensationalism towards policymaking that is based on sober, well-researched and flexible approaches that marry vision with holistic public consultation.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Kont tad-dawl li jisraq lill-poplu – Michael Briguglio

Huwa ċar daqs il-kristall li l-ARMS qed tuża metodu illegali fil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma u li għandha trodd flus lura lill-eluf ta’ konsumaturi. Il-kontijiet mhux qed jiġu kkalkulati skond il-liġi, għax din tgħid li t-tariffa tal-konsum għandha tiġi ibbażata fuq konsum kumulattiv kull sena.

Kull xaharejn, l-ARMS qed tisraq lill-konsumaturi b’dan il-mod:

Il-kont qed jiġi maqsum f’perjodi iqsar, u l-konsumatur malajr jibda jkollu jħallas b’rata iktar għolja minn dik imwiegħda ta’ 10ċ5. Permezz ta’ kontijiet attwali ta’ kull xaharejn, il-kwota annwali ta’ 2,000 unit b’10ċ5 u  4,000 unit b’12ċ9 qed jiġu maqsuma f’kwoti iżgħar.

Anke jekk il-konsumatur jibqa’ fil-kwota annwali, xorta hemm ċans tajjeb li jkollu jħallas iktar: Hemm konsumaturi li qed iħallsu rati sitt darbiet għola – ta’ iktar minn 60ċ għal kull kwh.

Ħafna familji qed jitilfu ukoll l-eko-riduzzjoni. Familja ta’ hamsa u resident waħdu it-tnejn għandhom l-istess 2,000 unit b’10ċ5.

Iżda familija ta’ ħamsa kienu jibbenefikaw minn skont jekk jibqgħu taħt il-kwota annwali. Bis-sistema ta’ kont attwali kull xaharejn, din ukoll qed tintilef f’ċertu każijiet. Permezz ta’ dawn il-kontijiet l-ARMS qed tibbenefika minn cash flow kull xaharejn minn fuq dahar il-konsumatur.

L-ARMS qed takkumula ukoll rati ta’ interessi għal min ma jistax iħallas u l-istess nies qed jiġu mhedda li jitneħħielhom is-servizz jekk ma jħallsux. Barra min hekk iridu jħallsu biex jerġa jinghatalhom is-servizz. Dan żgur mhux l-aqwa żmien għal konsumaturi li għandhom dħul baxx.

Problema oħra hi li bosta persuni li jgħixu f’propjeta’ mikrija qed iħallsu rati domestiċi u mhux residenzjali, u għalhekk ma jibbenefikawx mill-eko riduzzjoni u jħallsu rati għola.

L-iktar gruppi li qed jintlaqtu hażin mill-metodu ta’ l-ARMS huma familji kbar, pensjonanti u residenti barranin: imbasta l-gvern jgħid li hu favur il-familja u li jrid jattira barranin biex jgħixu f’Malta.

Hemm ukoll taħwid kbir fis-sistema ta’ l-enerġija mill-pannelli foto-voltajiċi. Imbasta l-gvern jitkellem favur enerġija nadifa.

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jistenna li r-Regulatur tas-Servizzi l-Enerġija u l-Ilma u l-Awtorita’ tal-Kompetizzjoni u l-Konsumatur jieħdu azzjoni kontra dan l-abbuż minn monopolju. Jekk dan ma jseħħx, il-Partit ser jieħu azzjoni legali sabiex issir ġustizzja. Barra min hekk, meta jkun fil-Gvern, il-Partit Nazzjonalista ser jagħti refużjoni lil min ġie misruq.

Ta’ min ifakkar li l-Eurostat dan l-aħħar ikkonfermat li Malta kellha t-tielet l-għola żieda fil-prezz ta’ l-elettriku fl-Unjoni Ewropea fis-snin 2016 u 2017, meta l-prezz ta’ enerġija kien stabbli.

Ta’ min ifakkar ukoll li minflok kontijiet irħas b’25 fil-mija, bħal ma wiegħed Konrad Mizzi, pajjiżna qed jissusidja b’40 miljun dollaru fis-sena lill-kumpanija statali ta’ l-enerġija ta’ l-Ażerbajġan.

Il-kwistjoni tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma turi li permezz ta rieda tajba u determinazzjoni, l-oppożizzjoni Nazzjonalista hija vuċi pożittiva u b’saħħitha.

Dan l-artiklu deher fil-Mument, 17 ta' Ġunju 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Kandidatura MEP / MEP Candidature - Michael Briguglio

(English version follows)


Fl-2019 ser nagħlaq 25 sena attiv fis-soċjetà ċivili u fil-politika.

Matul dawn is-snin tgħallimt li leħen is-soċjetà ċivili jista' jkun b'saħħtu u qawwi. Kont attiv f'kampanji li rnexxew, bħal dawk għas-sħubija fl-UE, il-ħarsien tal-ambjent, id-drittijiet ċivili u l-istipendji tal-istudenti kif ukoll kwistjonijiet lokali fir-rwol tiegħi ta' kunsillier lokali mill-2003. Tkellimt dwar kwistjonijiet bħall-governanza tajba, id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema u d-drittijiet tar-residenti.

Ir-rwoli tiegħi varjaw tul dawn is-snin, iżda l-għan tiegħi ta' soċjetà aktar demokratika, inklużiva, deċenti u ħanina dejjem baqa' l-istess.

Ftit ġimgħat ilu l-Partit Nazzjonalista stedinni nikkontesta l-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew. Ħsibt u rriflettejt dwar din l-istedina u xi jiem ilu ddeċidejt li naċċetta.

Permezz tal-kandidatura tiegħi, nixtieq inkun ħolqa bejn in-nies, is-soċjetà ċivili u l-Unjoni Ewropea. Nixtieq nirrappreżenta l-valuri tas-solidarjetà, il-ġustizzja, id-dinjità u s-sostenibbiltà u nixtieq naħdem fl-aħjar interess ta' pajjiżna mal-kandidati sħabi.

Qatt ma kont baħri tal-bnazzi, u mhux ser inkun issa. Ser inleħħen it-tħassib tan-nies b'mod sensibbli. L-appoġġ tagħkom ser jgħinni niġġieled mingħajr biżà għal dak li hu sewwa.

Nittama li tirbaħ ir-rieda tajba,

Michael Briguglio
#malta #riedatajba

Dear friends,

2019 will mark my 25th year as an activist in civil society and politics. 

During these years I learned that the voice of civil society can be strong and powerful. I was active in successful campaigns such as EU membership, environmental protection, civil rights, students' stipends as well as local issues in my role as local councillor since 2003.  I spoke about issues such as good governance, workers' rights and residents' rights. 

My roles varied during these years, but my goal for a more democratic, inclusive, decent, solidaristic society always remained the same. 

A few weeks ago the Nationalist Party approached me to contest the European Parliament elections. I deliberated and reflected on this invitation and some days ago I decided to accept.

Through my candidature I want to be a bridge between common people, civil society and the European Union. I want to represent the values of solidarity, justice, dignity and sustainability and I  will work in the best interests of the country with my fellow candidates. 

I was never a fair weather sailor, and I won't be now. I will voice people's concerns in a reasoned way. Your support will help me fight for what is right, to speak up without fear or favour. 

May goodwill prevail,

Michael Briguglio

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Consumers getting higher energy bills - David Agius & Michael Briguglio

Image result for MARSAXLOKK TANKER
Malta Today 13 June 2018

Thanks to a few vigilant citizens, it has become apparent that the ARMS’s billing system is illegal and one which owes thousands of consumers anything between a few euro to a few hundreds of euros each.  Malta now boasts a monopoly (ENEMALTA) which employs another entity (ARMS) to issue bills. These bills are not being issued as the law states clearly, that is “a Consumption Tariff based on a cumulative consumption per annum.”
This means that the bills are being issued more frequently, every two months, with accumulating interest rates and a threat of being cut off the grid (plus fee to re-instate) if they do not pay.
Every two months, ARMS is cheating consumers out of their yearly quotas:
By splitting up bills into shorter periods, consumers quickly start to pay at much higher rates than the promised 10c5. Actual two-monthly bills means that annual quotas of tariffs 2,000 units at 10c5 and 4,000 units at 12c9 are being cut up into smaller quotas.
Even if the consumers stay within the total annual quota, they are getting billed at higher bands. Consumers can end up paying at rates six times higher – at over 60c per kwh.
Many families are also losing their eco-reduction. A family of seven or a single resident both get the same 2,000 units at 10c5.
But a family of seven used to get a discount if it stayed under an annual quota. With two-month bills, this too is being lost in certain cases.
Thanks to two-month actual bills (pay or incur interest) ARMS also gets to enjoy a strong two-monthly cash flow – at the consumers’ expense.
Another problem is the fact that many tenants are paying domestic rates rather than residential rates, which means that they have no chance to enjoy the eco-reduction and they pay at higher rates.
The worst hit are large families, pensioners and foreigners living here – so much for family friendly measures and attracting people to Malta.   
And another set of issues still relates to the PV generation not being registered. So much for renewables.
There is the huge number of mistakes being made by ARMS which results in hundreds of people visiting their offices (co-incidentally one of them located inside the GWU building).
All these problems work in favour of ARMS. None of the errors favour the consumer.
Of course, ARMS send consumers to check their meter (at a fee), or to blame the “Estimate” or “No reading”. Sometimes they blame the law. But this has little to do with the meter, nor with the law.
It only has to do with the new procedure which ARMS is employing despite the fact that the law is clear.
This abusive behaviour by a dominant monopolist needs to be regulated by Regulator for Energy and Water Services (REWS), the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), and the European Union needs to take action.
But failing that, we promise, that if it is necessary, we can take further action ourselves and file a class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers who are owed their money back.
Furthermore, Adrian Delia, Leader of the Nationalist Party, has already made it clear that a PN government would give back this stolen money to our families.
This matter has been further confirmed by Eurostat. It was clearly stated that Malta registered the third highest increase in electricity prices across Europe. The Eurostat news release stated that “Across the EU Member States, the highest increase in household electricity prices, was registered in Cyprus, followed by Romania and Malta (+7.1%).”
This statistic is for the years 2016 and 2017, a period when the energy
prices were stable.
Consequently, this is yet another proof that the Maltese and Gozitan people are paying more for their energy and water bills.
This is another confirmation that our first sample of 100 bills is correct.
The Nationalist Party will keep voicing people’s concerns: the same people who are receiving more frequent and more expensive utility bills; the same people who were promised cheaper utility bills by Konrad Mizzi but who are now subsidising the Azerbaijani gas provider by $40 million a year.
The Nationalist Party was, is and will continue to be the people’s party. People should not be robbed. We are determined not to let this daylight robbery continue. 
The Nationalist Party is ready to take legal action to ensure that people are not robbed.
We are following the matter closely in this regard.